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FRequently asked questions

Will my dog benefit from this training?

Your dog will benefit tremendously! Most behavior problems (biting, chewing, jumping, etc) are based off of a lack of exercise, discipline, and out of boredom! With this training, your dog is receiving top-quality obedience training, which in turn, allows you to give your dog freedom to run around OFF-LEASH and play! So by doing this training your dog is not bored because it is learning and being stimulated, it is running freely off-leash so it is getting exercise, and it is getting obedience/discipline! Not only does all of this greatly benefit your dog, but it also benefits you and your family!

Remember, if you do not employ your dog and give it a job to do (training), it will become self-employed. A self-employed dog will cost YOU money!

What type of dog training methods do you use?

We offer a balanced training approach. Our trainers use a combination of either clicker training, treat training, or e-collar training all to assist in the best training process that is a good fit for your pup!

What is clicker training?

A clicker is a small device that makes a distinct “click” noise. This is used to instantly mark the desired behavior. Then, it is immediately followed with a treat! This enables the dog to learn the commands much faster because you are instantly “marking” the correct behavior. In return, the dog knows it has not done what you are asking it to do until it hears the distinct “click.”

What is an e-collar and how does it work?

An “e-collar” is basically a collar with a stimulation mechanism (similar to an electric fence collar). The collar is controlled by a remote that the handler holds. The remote allows you to maintain full control of your dog for up to 400 yards! Therefore, it gives your dog a lot of freedom and it saves you from worrying about your dog running off! It is not used as a punishment or a “shock” as many people assume, it is simply used as a training device for communicating with your dog. It produces a subtle electrical current between two contact points located on the collar. In the old days this type of collar was used as “shock collar” and many inexperienced dog owners tried to use this device to scare their dog into submission. In the proven training method we teach, your dog is never “shocked into submission” or abused. Unlike a shocking device, the e-collar is used to get the dog’s attention and keep it focused on listening to the handler. It is the equivalents of someone tapping your shoulder to get your attention, or setting your phone on vibrate so it will get your attention when someone is calling you. We teach the dog to listen to those “taps” and that the “taps” mean, “I am trying to get your attention.”

Las Vegas K9 recently switched to using e-collars on their service dogs about two years ago. Shortly thereafter, they took ‘top dog’ and ‘top agency’ at the Western States Canine Trials! Their obedience to the commands became faster, sharper, and instant because the dogs know exactly what is expected of them when given the commands! During the trials, the dogs are not allowed to wear the e-collars!

There is a reason that the top law enforcement agencies, military, and top federal agencies: patrol, detection, and search and rescue dogs are trained using e-collars!

Will the e-collar hurt my dog?

No. During our first meeting we will put the e-collar on your arm and you will feel how mild the stimulation is. We will also stimulate myself with the e-collar to show you that it will not hurt your dog. One common misconception is the e-collar will burn their skin. This is false. Other people think that it is like being shocked with a taser, this is also false. We are dog trainers because we LOVE dogs and we would never do anything to harm them in any way! Furthermore; we would never do anything to a dog, that we will not do myself.

Will my dog always have to wear the e-collar?

No. Your dog will not always have to wear the e-collar. In fact, inside your home, your dog will quickly be listening to your every command without the e-collar on. However, We always recommend putting the e-collar on your dog before you take it outside off-leash. This is due to the fact that you never know what may get your dog’s attention, so, you still want to be able to maintain complete control of your dog. It’s like an invisible leash. We often compare your pet wearing the collar outside to a child wearing a seat belt. Parents drill into their children the importance of wearing a seat belt each and every time they get into a car. That one time the child doesn’t wear the seat belt could be that one time they are in a car accident and a seat belt would have prevented injury. It only takes one time for you dog to see something that really catches their attention and without the collar, you have no way to stop him/her.

Will my dog hate wearing the e-collar?

No! Almost everyone is VERY surprised that they receive quite the OPPOSITE reaction from their dog. When you turn an e-collar on, it beeps. In a very short time, your dog will recognize this “beep” as their collar being turned on. Almost every dog upon hearing this beep, will coming running and sit down in front of you and wait for you to put it on them. Why? Because the dog knows the e-collar means that they are going outside (to run, play ball, be free, etc) AND they know they are going to do training! A bored dog is a destructive dog; a trained/exercised dog is a HAPPY dog. They look forward to their training sessions because it stimulates them and gives them something to do. Imagine being at work on a slow day, the day drags and you feel sluggish. When you are busy, it goes by fast and you are energized! Now imagine a dog with no friends, no Facebook, no television, and no internet. Their only REAL stimulation is the training you give them and their time outside to run, play, and bond with you!

Where do we conduct these private sessions?

 Generally, we do not like to train dogs inside of the house! Why? It is easy for dogs to listen when they are in their own home. It is a familiar environment, if your pet trains in an unfamiliar environment, with countless distractions, they will listen to your commands anywhere.

How much time per day do I need to train my dog?

The great thing about this training is that you don’t have to set a specific amount of time aside per day in order to train your dog! We will teach you how to incorporate this training into your daily routine.

How long will this training take?

Basic Obedience is generally done in FOUR lessons.
Lesson 1: “Come” and “Sit.” Off-Leash
Lesson 2: “Extended Sit” and “Down.” Extended sit meaning your dog will sit until you release it
Lesson 3: “Place” and “Extended Down.” Place meaning your dog will sit on a specific object you point to (chair, bench, etc)
Lesson 4: “Loose Leash Walking.” Meaning, your dog will walk right beside of you while on a leash.
All of this is done OFF-LEASH.
If you are interested in advanced obedience after you and your dog has completed the basic obedience, it is also available!

At what age can we start e-collar training?

Generally, we do not start e-collar training on a dog until it is at least 5 months old.

What if I have a puppy that is not 5 months old?

Not a problem! We can still train your pup using the clicker/treat method! This will give your new pup a good foundation for basic obedience! Additionally, We can teach you how to house train your puppy. He/ she will learn how to let you know they need to go. So they don’t continue having accidents in the house.

What if I have a small dog?

That is fine! E-Collar training works on a dog of ANY SIZE, ANY SHAPE, and ANY AGE (above 5 months).

Do you offer a guarantee?

Yes! We offer a lifetime guarantee on our programs! This means that we will be there to help you and guide you in the future, even after training, should you need it!

I Am interested, but i still have questions

No problem! Email us at [email protected] or call us at 5187889487